If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.

I am a collaborative writer eager to help you turn your idea into a finished work. Here are ways I can help:

+GHOSTWRITING: if you have an idea for a novel, screenplay, or nonfiction book, I can structure, draft, and work with you to refine it.

+SCREENWRITING: if you think your story (or the article/book you’ve already written) is well suited for film, I can structure, draft, and refine it into a sparkling screenplay.

+PROPOSAL WRITING: in nonfiction, it’s common to develop a proposal, which can then be taken to market. The goal here is to craft a convincing narrative, to combine it with sample chapters of compelling prose, and to provide would-be agents and publishers with a thorough vision of the final product.

+DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING: if you’re stuck or can’t figure out how to level up your draft, I can provide notes and ideas, shape and structure.

+REWRITING: if your story and draft are solid but you want to smooth out the writing, I can work with you on character, tone, style, pacing, and prose.

+CREATIVE CONSULTING: if you’re not sure where to begin or what your next step should be, I can work with you to create a vision for your project and an action plan to get it done.

“Rewarding on every level. Gregory is a wonderful writer, a first-rate collaborator, and he raised the bar on my contribution to my own book.”

Carolyn Pfeiffer, Author & PRODUCER

I was born and raised in Kenya, east Africa. I have spent much of my career as an arts administrator, including as executive administrator at the Austin Film Society, as director of development at Burnt Orange Productions and, more recently, as executive director of the Independent Filmmaker Project Chicago

I am also the writer and director of two feature films. My most recent script, Deepest Blue, advanced to the quarterfinalist round of the Academy’s Nicholl Fellowship Screenwriting competition—widely regarded as the industry’s most prestigious screenwriting competition.

A deeply meaningful part of my career has been the opportunity to work with clients, interns, and students, as they find their voices and their visions. I am, by nature, a helper, and I find immense joy and meaning in helping others tell the stories they want to tell, the stories they want to leave behind.

Need support on your writing journey? Email me! I’d love to talk to you.

Fun fact: I collect and catalog the things I find while out walking my dog. Take a look.

“Gregory is clear, bright, and very knowledgeable. His notes opened up my understanding of structure, timing, and perhaps most importantly,
the value of what I as a writer have to offer. Invaluable and enlightening in every regard.”

Sybil Rosen (Blaze, Ethan Hawke & Alia Shawkat)

Gregory has been an invaluable mentor, creative partner, and colleague. His expertise in and dedication to the craft of screenwriting have been vital in strengthening the projects I’ve worked on with him. He is a trusted and knowledgeable industry professional and writer who combines a pragmatic approach to creative development and filmmaking with a deep understanding of the cinematic art.

Bilgesu Sisman, screenwriter & director of Cleveland Cinematheque

Gregory’s insight is invaluable! His feedback is thorough, helping to point out choppy dialogue, formatting issues, and ways to strengthen keys plot points in my work. With his extensive writing background and warm encouraging presence, he is a knowledgeable and honest collaborator that truly listens to you and has helped me flourish as a writer.

Camille Jackson, screenwriter & MFA candidate